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en:space_station:trading_post:huge_trading_post [Nova Empire]

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Huge Trading Post


Level Time Energy Mineral Crystal Alloy
1 0:00:25 100 12 0 0
2 0:00:50 200 25 0 0
3 0:01:40 400 50 0 0
4 0:03:20 800 100 0 0
5 0:06:40 1,600 200 0 0
6 0:13:20 3,200 400 0 0
7 0:26:40 6,400 800 0 0
8 0:53:20 12,800 1,600 0 0
9 1:46:40 25,600 3,200 0 0
10 3:33:20 51,200 6,400 0 0
11 7:06:40 76,800 9,600 0 0
12 14:13:20 115,200 14,400 0 0
13 1d 04:26:40 172,800 21,600 0 0
14 2d 08:53:20 259,200 32,400 0 0
15 4d 17:46:40 388,800 48,600 0 0
16 9d 11:33:20 583,200 72,900 14,580 0
17 18d 23:06:40 874,800 109,350 21,870 0
18 37d 22:13:20 1,312,200 164,025 32,805 0
19 75d 20:26:40 1,968,300 246,037 49,207 0
20 151d 16:53:20 3,936,600 492,075 98,415 49,207


Level Energy Mineral
1 5 0
2 10 0
3 15 0
4 25 0
5 37 0
6 50 0
7 62 0
8 75 0
9 100 0
10 125 0
11 150 0
12 200 0
13 250 0
14 300 0
15 375 0
16 500 0
17 625 0
18 750 0
19 875 0
20 1,000 0
Level Mineral Output/h Mineral Storage Crystal Production/h
1 300 75,000 0
2 600 150,000 0
3 900 225,000 0
4 1,350 337,500 0
5 1,800 450,000 0
6 2,250 562,500 0
7 3,000 750,000 0
8 3,750 937,500 375
9 4,500 1,125,000 450
10 5,250 1,312,500 525
11 6,000 1,500,000 600
12 7,500 1,875,000 750
13 9,000 2,250,000 900
14 10,500 2,625,000 1,050
15 12,000 3,000,000 1,200
16 15,000 3,750,000 1,500
17 18,000 4,500,000 1,800
18 21,000 5,250,000 2,100
19 24,000 6,000,000 2,400
20 30,000 7,500,000 3,000

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