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en:space_station:defense_module:small_defense_module [Nova Empire]

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Small Defense Module


Level Time Energy Mineral Crystal Alloy
1 0:00:17 84 105 0 0
2 0:08:30 2,520 3,150 0 0
3 2:16:00 40,320 50,400 0 0
4 1d 12:16:00 349,440 436,800 0 0
5 24d 04:16:00 1,769,040 2,211,300 44,226 0
6 180d 12:39:28 6,062,364 7,577,955 151,559 75,779


Level Energy Mineral
1 4 0
2 25 0
3 63 0
4 126 0
5 252 0
6 420 0


Level HP HP Regen Armor
1 100 1 2
2 200 2 3
3 700 4 4
4 700 7 5
5 1,100 11 6
6 1,600 16 7

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